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Profile for zane. Username @zane,


Pronouns he/him

Hello and a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

My name is Zane and I'm a second year college student currently residing in Iowa.

I'm a small time writer and Rust programmer, the former I learned from school and the latter I learned from my nemesis.

If you need to contact me directly, you can send an email to to me at [email protected].

Joined on Jul, 2023. 262 posts. Followed by 1. Following 29.

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zane . @zane,

Remember when I talked about political theory?

Yeah, me neither. I think it's interesting that, in the early days in Dumbing of Age, Dorothy still has the traces of her initial character design ( basically a villain, but it's complicated) that make her look severe and mean. Later, as the art style gets softer and the crisp lines fade, she starts looking kinder.

Besides just being the byproduct of the author's art style evolving over the years, you can also interpret the change in design symbolizing how dating Walky softened her and made her doubt whether becoming president is really what she wanted.

I think a lot of the changes in design do similar things and golly this'll end up as a thread won't it.

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Recent posts

zane . @zane,

We should change the national anthem to Battle Hymn of the Republic. I think it would make sports protests more interesting.

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zane . @zane,

When the heck did this become Star Trek week?

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zane . @zane,

Hopefully, thing this’ll be the last day I have the Ruth pfp this postseason.

Go Cats!

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zane . @zane,

The transformers ride is so great. Is an endless barrage of “remember the guy?” To which I cheerfully reply “Nope!”

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zane . @zane,

“I hope the Oilers beat Dallas” and other foolish utterances by a Florida hockey fan.

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zane . @zane,

“We supply Turkmenistan with military equipment!” Is an interesting sales pitch for a company.

Our respirators are perfect for when you need to disappear some of those /inconvenient/ gosh darn journalists! Just take it from our good friend Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, king of Horses.

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zane . @zane,

Finished playing for the day. Long story short, anti-tank crossbow came in clutch

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