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Profile for zane. Username @zane,


Pronouns he/him

Hello and a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

My name is Zane and I'm a second year college student currently residing in Iowa.

I'm a small time writer and Rust programmer, the former I learned from school and the latter I learned from my nemesis.

If you need to contact me directly, you can send an email to to me at [email protected].

Joined on Jul, 2023. 285 posts. Followed by 5. Following 31.

Recent posts

zane . @zane,

One of my hobbies on my other channel is waxing poetic about this type of thing so I was pleasantly surprised when this crossed my feed this morning.

Open thread
zane . @zane,

Remember when I talked about political theory?

Yeah, me neither. I think it's interesting that, in the early days in Dumbing of Age, Dorothy still has the traces of her initial character design ( basically a villain, but it's complicated) that make her look severe and mean. Later, as the art style gets softer and the crisp lines fade, she starts looking kinder.

Besides just being the byproduct of the author's art style evolving over the years, you can also interpret the change in design symbolizing how dating Walky softened her and made her doubt whether becoming president is really what she wanted.

I think a lot of the changes in design do similar things and golly this'll end up as a thread won't it.

Open thread
zane . @zane,

These two later end up married.

Open thread
zane . @zane,


I can typeset and print books.

I can create a bootleg Roomies or it's Walky collection...

Open thread
zane . @zane,

Wonder if Dan Olsen is working on a fediverse video

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zane . @zane,

Currently in Charlotte eagerly awaiting my connection.

Open thread
zane . @zane,

It's been a bit since I recced Puss in Boots.

So,'s pretty good...

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